EMDR Advanced Training

Masterclass EMDR 2.0 in Clinical Practice (2024)


Treating Personality Disorders with EMDR Therapy

presented by Ad de Jongh, PhD and Suzy Matthijssen, PhD



August 30th and 31st, 2024
9:00am to 4:30pm EDT 


Day 1: Masterclass EMDR 2.0 in Clinical Practice
Day 2: Treating Personality Disorders with EMDR Therapy


To Register for On-Site attendance, see bottom of page
On-Site registration includes access to the recorded training via On-Demand for 90 days after the training 

To register for Livestream (also including On-Demand viewing), CLICK HERE.

Hampton Inn Boston/Natick
319 Speen Street
Natick, MA 01760
To book a room at the Hampton Inn at a 15% off group rate, click here. Please note: The cutoff date is on Friday, August 2nd, 2024.  There are other hotels in the area as well.


PROGRAM FEES (includes 6 CEs per day):
BUNDLE both days: $365 Early Bird | $395 After August 19, 2024
$235 Early Bird | $265 After August 19, 2024

15% discount for clinicians working for non-profits (30+ hours a week) or groups of 4 or more (for groups, please contact info@markinickerson.com for details)

Full refunds until July 30, 2024; then 80% until 1 week before training, no refunds after August 23, 2024.

Disability Accommodations: All programs are held virtually or in facilities that accommodate mobility limitations consistent with ADA guidelines Americans with Disabilities Act.  Requests for preferred seating and other accommodations can be directed to info@markinickerson.com


Day 1:  Masterclass EMDR 2.0 in Clinical Practice (2024)

Prerequisite TrainingMasterclass registrants must first attend the full day basic training in EMDR 2.0 led by these presenters. The most recent training in EMDR 2.0 can be found at this link – EMDR 2.0 Basic Training

EMDR 2.0 is a version of EMDR therapy based on the standard EMDR protocol, but with some powerful adaptations related to the implementation of the therapy. EMDR 2.0 is based upon the working memory theory and stems from clinical experience with intensive treatment programs of individuals suffering from complex PTSD and scientific research into the effects of various types of working memory-taxing tasks on traumatic memories. Research shows that EMDR 2.0 is not only an effective treatment approach but is also likely to help reprocess trauma memories at a faster tempo. Those who are new to EMDR 2.0 are required to first attend the 6 CE hour OnDemand course which is available this link.

In this masterclass, participants will receive the written EMDR 2.0 protocol and there will be a step-by-step guide and demonstration of how to use it. The 2.0 developers, Ad de Jongh and Suzy Matthijssen, describe updated discoveries in the use of the 2.0 method and will demonstrate various applications and techniques such as to overcome obstacles in therapy (e.g., dissociation and comorbidity). A format will be provided for participants to describe cases of patients for whom treatment with EMDR (2.0) proved difficult as an opportunity for the trainers to further explain considerations in the use of 2.0. The training will include multiple clinical examples and video clips to illustrate aspects of treatments in clinical practice.

An additional part of the workshop will be demonstrating ways to  perform EMDR 2.0 via telehealth. This will include step-by-step instructions from MOOVD, a company that has developed methods to enhance online applications of EMDR 2.0. MOOVD representatives will provide guidance to on-site and virtual participants.
The training will provide overview information about how to become proficient in using EMDR 2.0 and information about steps to becoming an EMDR 2.0 consultant.

Learning objectives:
Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the types of conditions for which EMDR 2.0 can be used.
  2. Describe possible advantages of using EMDR 2.0 techniques and applications.
  3. Describe components of the working memory taxation theory.
  4. Describe how EMDR 2.0 can be used with individuals with complex trauma histories.
  5. Describe how EMDR 2.0 techniques can be used when dissociation prevents access to traumatic memories or when the presence of comorbid pathology seems to block reprocessing.
  6. Describe methods for using EMDR 2.0 via online therapy.

Schedule: Friday, August 30, 2024
Below times are EDT, please adjust for your local time:

9:00am – 10:30am: Section 1

  • Review of key components of EMDR 2.0
  • Updates on new developments and discoveries
  • EMDR 2.0 telehealth and in-office working memory informed virtual platform apps
  • Recommendations for becoming proficient at EMDR 2.0
  • Information about steps to becoming an EMDR 2.0 consultant

10:30am: Break (15 minutes)

10:45am – 12:15pm: Section 2

  • Step by step presentation of EMDR 2.0 protocol script and demonstration
  • Case presentations by presenters and Q & A

12:15pm: Lunch (60 minutes)

1:15pm – 2:45pm: Section 3

  • Case presentations by presenters
  • Common clinical challenges such as dissociation
  • Participants present challenging cases with related questions

2:45pm: Break (15 minutes)

3:00pm – 4:30pm: Section 4

  • Continued case presentations by presenters and participants’ case related questions

4:30pm: Close


Day 2: Treating Personality Disorders with EMDR Therapy

As depicted in the recent article, The AIP model as a theoretical framework for the treatment of personality disorders with EMDR therapy, this training provides a research basis and specific recommended methods for treating people with personality disorders. Grounded in the AIP theory and the standard EMDR protocol, EMDR innovators Ad de Jongh and Suzy Matthijssen offer treatment strategies including treating co-morbid PTSD which can effectively reduce characteristics associated with personality disorders.

The personal history of individuals with a personality disorder is often marked by exposure to traumatic events such as sexual abuse, abuse, neglect, bullying or other types of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Even when these events do not lead to the development of PTSD, they can manifest in characteristics of a personality disorder, a persistent mental condition characterized by a pronounced pattern of difficulties in impulse control, emotional regulation, cognitive functions, self-esteem, and interpersonal relationships.

Because existing treatments for personality disorders are typically lengthy and costly, it is essential to explore alternative and complementary interventions. This workshop presents impressive treatment results including data from intensive treatment of individuals with PTSD and BPD. In one published study, brief intensive treatment led to a significant drop in BPD symptoms after reprocessing ACEs associated memories and one-year follow-ups found that 70% no longer met the diagnostic criteria for BPD.   

This workshop teaches participants how to formulate an effective case conceptualization and treatment plan to guide more efficient treatment of personality disorders within EMDR therapy. Participants will learn how to identify and prioritize memories for reprocessing as well as various considerations to assist patients to successfully desensitize related memories. This approach is illustrated with a wide variety of video fragments of clinical case examples.

This workshop is the first presentation of this content which has been in development for several years. Ad de Jongh and Suzy Matthijssen are known for overseeing large clinical treatment centers, for their expertise in clinical assessment, diagnostic based treatment, and innovative EMDR methods. Ad de Jongh has been a longtime pioneer and leader in the treatment of phobias and anxiety disorders including the flashforward technique. Together, these presenters have developed the use of EMDR 2.0 which emphasizes working memory taxation and other techniques to help clients tolerate and desensitize traumatic memories. EMDR 2.0 is not a required dimension of this treatment approach to personality disorders, but it will likely be beneficial. Basic training in EMDR 2.0 can be found at this link.

Key Features:
Research supported concepts presented:

  • The latest scientific insights into the origin and treatment of the consequences of exposure to ACEs.
  • Similarities and differences between PTSD, Complex PTSD and personality disorders (such as borderline personality disorder) with and without PTSD.
  • How to set up and successfully implement treatment for PDs using EMDR therapy.
  • Strategies for target memory selection.
  • Methods to guide optimal desensitization.
  • Specific pitfalls in the treatment.

Learning objectives:
Participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the different types of personality disorders.
  2. List 2 or more of the latest scientific insights (presented in this training) into trauma treatment for people with a personality disorder.
  3. Identify similarities and differences between PTSD, Complex PTSD, and personality disorders (such as borderline personality disorder) with and without PTSD.
  4. Develop a case conceptualization for a person with a personality disorder.
  5. Develop a treatment plan and list considerations for target memory selection for EMDR treatment with people with a personality disorder.
  6. Describe ways to deal with specific pitfalls in the treatment of individuals with a personality disorder.

Schedule: Saturday, August 31, 2024

Below times are EDT, please adjust for your local time:

9:00am – 10:30am: Section 1

  • Introduction to topic relevant aspects of trauma, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and implications regarding formation and treatment of personality disorders.

10:30am: Break (15 minutes)

10:45am – 12:15pm: Section 2

  • Case conceptualization.
  • Selecting crucial memories and establishing an appropriate treatment sequence for individuals with a personality disorder.

12:15pm: Lunch (60 minutes)

1:15pm – 2:45pm: Section 3

  • Demonstrations in selecting and drawing up an adequate treatment sequence.
  • Leaning exercises.

2:45pm: Break (15 minutes)

3:00pm – 4:30pm: Section 4

  • Recognizing blockages and other challenges in treatment.
  • Recommendations and other tips for optimal treatment results.

4:30pm: Close



 Ad de Jongh, PhD is a clinical psychologist and professor of Anxiety and Behavior Disorders at the University of Amsterdam. He is also an honorary professor in psychology at the School of Health Sciences of Salford University in Manchester, at the Institute of Health and Society of the University of Worcester, and at the School of Psychology of Queen’s University in Belfast. He was involved in establishing the Psychotrauma Expertise Center (PSYTREC), where he is the head of research department. He is an expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders and involved in research on the efficacy of evidence-based treatments for a wide variety of patient groups, including traumatized children, people with intellectual disabilities and other complex psychiatric conditions such as psychosis. He is an approved trainer for the EMDR Europe association and member of the Council of Scholars; the Future of EMDR project.


  Suzy Matthijssen, PhD is a clinical psychologist-psychotherapist, senior researcher, cognitive behavioral therapist, psychotraumatherapist NtVP, NRGD registered pro justice reporter, EMDR supervisor and is a lecturer at university and post-doctorate psychology specialization programs. The focus of the research she conducts is on the optimization of trauma treatments. She works at the Altrecht Academic Anxiety Centre where she is head of an intensive trauma treatment program and she is expert leader on PTSS. She is connected to Utrecht University. She is involved in research on the enhancement of trauma therapy, intensive trauma treatments and working mechanisms of trauma therapy. She is the vice president of the Dutch EMDR association, is in the scientific committee of EMDR Europe and is a member of the Council of Scholars; the Future of EMDR project.


Please complete your registration by clicking the confirm button at the bottom of the second registration page. You can print the confirmation webpage or save it to your desktop by right-clicking and choosing “save as” to serve as a receipt of your workshop registration. A confirmation will be sent to the email address you provide during registration — check your spam filter and/or tabs if you cannot find it (especially if you use Gmail).




CE, Policies and Help: Click here for CE, Policies and Help for Complaint and Grievance Procedures, Refund  Policy, Disability Accommodations and more.

Direct additional questions to Mark Nickerson, Director of EMDR Advanced Trainings, LLC and .Advanced Psychotherapy Trainings, : info@EMDRadvancedtrainings.com., EMDRadvancedtrainings.com, or mail to EMDR Advanced Trainings | Box 3, Granby, MA  01033.  Phone: 413-256-0550

6 CE Hours per day (total of 12 CE hours):  Live Upcoming Program Credits for EMDRIA, Psychologists, LCSW, LMFT, LMHC, LPC and other Master’s Level Clinicians, check with State Licensing Board to Confirm Acceptance of NBCC Credits. No NBCC Credits available for OnDemand program after Live Event.


EMDR International Association EMDR Advanced Training & Distance Learning, LLC is an EMDRIA Approved Credit Provider (#07002) and maintains responsibility for this program and its content in accordance with EMDRIA standards.

National Board for Certified Counselors EMDR Advanced Trainings & Distance Learning, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6709. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. EMDR Advanced Training and Distance Learning, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.

American Psychological Association Advanced Psychotherapy Trainings (APT) is approved by the American 
Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. APT maintains responsibility for this program and its content.



Please direct further questions to info@emdradvancedtrainings.com

Please complete your IN-PERSON registration below. A confirmation will be sent to the email address you provide during registration – check your spam filter and/or tabs if you cannot find it (especially if you use Gmail).


  • Masterclass EMDR 2.0 in Clinical Practice (2024) and Treating Personality Disorders with EMDR Therapy, de Jongh/Matthijssen ~~ On-Site or Virtual ~~ 6 CE hrs ea - (8/30-31/24)
     August 30, 2024
     9:00 am - 4:30 pm
     Hampton Inn Boston/Natick

  • Masterclass EMDR 2.0 in Clinical Practice (2024) and Treating Personality Disorders with EMDR Therapy, de Jongh/Matthijssen ~~ On-Site or Virtual ~~ 6 CE hrs ea - (8/30-31/24)
     August 31, 2024
     9:00 am - 4:30 pm
     Hampton Inn Boston/Natick


319 Speen Street, Natick, Massachusetts, 01760, United States


Hampton Inn Boston/Natick
319 Speen Street
Natick, MA 01760

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