Upcoming Trainings



Click on Event Name for description/registration


  • Essential Skills for Treating Complex Trauma and Dissociation in EMDR therapy: Theory, Clinical Assessment and Treatment Approaches, Dolores Mosquera, MS and Kathy Steele, MN, CS~~ On-Site or Virtual ~~ 6 CE hrs ea - (11/8-9/24)
     November 8, 2024
     9:00 am - 4:30 pm
     Hampton Inn Boston/Natick

  • Essential Skills for Treating Complex Trauma and Dissociation in EMDR therapy: Theory, Clinical Assessment and Treatment Approaches, Dolores Mosquera, MS and Kathy Steele, MN, CS~~ On-Site or Virtual ~~ 6 CE hrs ea - (11/8-9/24)
     November 9, 2024
     9:00 am - 4:30 pm
     Hampton Inn Boston/Natick